For Realtors and Prospective Buyers
Lyons Valley Village (LVV) is an individually owned, mostly owner occupied, residential co-housing community. LVV is not a typical community or a typical HOA. We are self-governing and each resident takes ownership over the health of living in community and contributes to communal chores. It is required that each resident contribute a minimum of 4 hours per month toward the community as well as attend a monthly community meeting. One of the four hours can be made up by participating in one of the four teams that care for elements of the community: The Common House Team, The Community Development Team, The Finance and Legal Team, and The Building and Grounds Team. These teams help support the health of the community with upkeep. We collectively own and care for the common house and other common elements. We manage our costs by pitching in and taking ownership of management and care of the property. There is also an expectation that households care to engage in community and take part in activities such as potluck dinners and seasonal work days. We also very much encourage owners who plan to reside at LVV. Please carefully consider if co-housing is right for you as a perspective buyer and if communal living is appealing. Most of us find that the benefits of co-housing far outweigh the challenges, but challenges do arise and the desire to live in community is necessary to make it through the challenging times.